
Empowering Financial Professionals Through Strategic Placements

We Connect You To The Right Opportunities With Precision & Discretion. 

- Suitability Associates-

Your Transition Partner: Crafting Seamless Moves for Advisors and Financial Planners

- We Work Together -


We are your silent search partner, conducting a confidential quest to find your ideal financial firm while ensuring your current employer remains unaware.


- The Right Position -


Finding the right fit is everything in your financial career, and we specialize in precision placement.

- Leveraged Experience -


Leveraging over three decades of advisory experience, we hold an understanding of the elements that make a transition ideally suited to your individual circumstances.

Most Financial Placement Firms Get It Wrong by Just Placing You and Moving On

Your placement partner should provide comprehensive support throughout the ENTIRE PROCESS.

  • Confidential Transition: Secure your future discreetly with our unwavering commitment to confidentiality. Your current employer remains unaware until you're ready to make the move.
  • Find The Right Culture: It's more than just a payday; it's about finding a place that fits you. We will help you align your values, work style, career goals, and financial package that’s right.
  • Ensure Your Clients Are Protected: Transition with peace of mind. We help you preserve your client relationships, ensuring a seamless transfer while maintaining client trust.
  • Assist In Making The Right Decisions: Don't navigate complex offers alone. Our expertise lies in helping you evaluate compensation packages, support structures, and growth prospects.

5 Simple Steps To Land At The Right Firm For You

Step 1.

- Meet-

Together, we discuss your needs and goals to ascertain if a collaborative partnership would be mutually beneficial.

Step 2.

- Search-

Leveraging our extensive network, or if you have a specific firm in mind, I'll initiate contact and facilitate the connection discreetly.

Step 3.

- Connect -

Engage in discussions with the firm to determine if there is a mutually beneficial relationship.

Step 4.

- Negotiate -

Together, we ensure you receive the best offer that aligns perfectly with your career desires.

Step 5.

- Transition -

Often overlooked but crucial, we collaborate to ensure a smooth transition, prioritizing not only your needs but the needs of your clients.

With over 30 years in the industry, we've not only worked in it but have also successfully navigated multiple firm changes.

Nationwide Placement Services for Registered Advisors and Financial Planners


The Cost of Missed Opportunities

In the competitive world of financial services, making the wrong move or not acting at the right time can come at a high cost. Choosing the wrong firm or hesitating to make a change can mean missing out on better opportunities, stalling your career growth, or even losing clients. It's crucial to be aware of the risks that come with inaction or choosing the wrong path. Our service is here to guide you away from these pitfalls and toward a brighter financial future.

From Trials to Triumphs: Let's Partner for Success

Unlocking Your
Path to Success

Picture this: You've seamlessly transitioned to a new firm that perfectly aligns with your career goals and values. Your clients have made the move with you, maintaining trust and loyalty. You're not just succeeding; you're excelling, with peace of mind and job satisfaction. This is the kind of success that awaits when you partner with us. We're here to make sure you find the perfect fit, experience a smooth transition, and enjoy both emotional and practical success in your financial services career.

For detailed information on Suitability Associates and how we can work for you, reach out and let's talk.

Let's achieve success together!


Jeff Olson, founder and lead recruiter, brings over 30 years of proven experience in the financial services industry.  Jeff was a top-tier producer in the industry during the span of his advising career. He had four firm transitions in his career so he knows what works.

"Experiencing the pressure firsthand during my own career transitions made me keenly aware of the need for greater guidance and transparency within the industry."

Jeff Olson

PO Box 689
Anoka, MN 55303